Shirley Taylor was a ministry assistant with Baptist General Convention of Texas for almost 15 years. The Founder of both bWe Baptist Women for Equality (where you can keep up with all she does) and the Freedom For Christian Women Coalition, she was a featured speaker at the Seneca Falls 2 Christian Women's Rights Convention held in Orlando, Florida, in 2010.
Shirley is a blogger and advocates for full equality for Christian women to serve as pastors and deacons. Her book Dethroning Male Headship won her a place as a Visiting Author by the John Cooper School in The Woodlands, Texas in December 2013 and participated at the book signing at the Christians for Biblical Equality Convention in Los Angeles in 2015. She and her husband live in Texas.

Just Published!
Raising the Hood:
A Christian Look at
Manhood and Womanhood
ISBN-13: 978-1537688626
ISBN-10: 1537688626
Biblical manhood and womanhood are code words meaning that men are to rule the church, their house, their wife, and their family. We are not First Century people and we cannot be held to those restrictions of male hierarchy.
So here we are today with seminars, blogs, books, movies, sermons, discussions, Bible studies, etc., extolling God’s so-called grand design of manhood and womanhood.
Outside the church, Monday through Saturday, women are equal. How long do you think it will be before women decide that they are also equal on Sunday and in their own homes?
My name is Shirley Taylor and I call myself the street evangelist for women’s equality. I am a Christian blogger for women’s equality. From the blog to the book, “Raising the Hood” is a compilation of my blogs, and picks up after “Women Equal – No Buts: Powered by the same Source.”
Dethroning Male Headship
Second Edition
ISBN-10: 1517047161
Are women forced to bury their talents and abdicate their responsibilities to serve as pastors, deacons, and equals?
Church leaders claim only husbands have authority over wives, but when women are denied authoritative ministry positions in churches for no other reason than because they are female, it is clear that their belief is that all men have authority over all women all of the time.
Taylor examines the teachings that have permeated too many Evangelical and mainstream denominations while she challenges Christians to re-examine these practices in light of God's Word.

Women Equal - No Buts:
Powered by the same Source
ISBN -13:978-1496045010
With humor and righteous outrage, Shirley Taylor gives you a look at leadership roles for today’s Christian women. Women are told they are equal-but they have different functions. That theology is not found in the Bible. Women are told they are created by God's grand design to graciously submit to their husbands because by doing so, they are actually submitting to Jesus.
You will be challenged to get off your equal-but and speak up and do something through out this companion book to Dethroning Male Headship. Men will be challenged to take their place alongside women, not in front of women.
Originally written as blog posts on bWe BaptistWomenForEquality, the content has been edited, updated, expanded, and revised. This book is written for Christians, but anyone who has a sense of justice will be outraged at what Christians are doing to each other when they deny women full equality in the church and in the home.

Women Equal - No Buts:
Create in us a new song of Equality
ISBN-13: 978-1514242179
In this small excerpt from my book Women Equal – No Buts: Powered by the same Source, we ask for a new song where women are equal – no buts.
When one woman is denied leadership in church for no reason other than she was born female, all women are denied. Restrictions against women are nurtured in the church, and bleed out into society, causing women, children, and marriages and families to suffer.
To create a new song, we must understand our present song. In the following pages you will see inside the church today. You will learn how we got to this point, and what we must do if we hope to achieve full equality in the church and home.

Outside the Pastor's Door:
Reflections of a church secretary
ISBN 978-1-5023615-8-5
Shirley Taylor shows us that almost any event can be interesting, funny, or reflective when told with the right amount of humor and passion.
Social justice, church events, personal stories, and of course Christianity, are subjects of these short stories. Originally written as a weekly church newsletter column, Shirley was encouraged to assemble them in book form.
They are not all about God; however, you will see Christ reflected in these stories which were written by a church secretary just outside the pastor’s door.